Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowboarding in Nizhnii

This past weekend we all went snowboarding!

The first day we went to a park right down the road from school which was so much fun. There was only one run though and no chair lift haha. Ghetto. The second day we went to a bigger park with more runs and a chair lift, it was so cool! The park was right next to the river (which is completely frozen over with ice fisherman on it all the time). Crystal and I ran out onto the river for a second so we could say we stood on the frozen Volga River.

This weekend we're going to Vladimir, a small town between Moscow and Nizhnii with a famous church or statue or something. I'm more excited about the mugs though! They have these awesome tea mugs with animals as the handles, they're so cool! Some of the locals have them so we're all excited to get new tea mugs this weekend. The church/ statue or whatever will probably be cool too haha.

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